"Ruislinnun laulu korvissani..." Kuin eri maailmasta ovat kesäkuun valoisien öiden äänet niityillä ja rannoilla! Canon EOS 350D + Sigma 18-70 DC, 6.6.2007

Virtavästäräkki oli pitkään odotettu "elis" ja mikä parasta samalla tuli myös PK-pinna! Liperistä löytyi yllättäen pesivä pari. Kuvassa upean kelta-siniharmaa koiraslintu.
Digiscoping: Kamakura SP 83ED + Canon PS A, 14.7.2007

Pikkukultarinta (
Hippolais galigata) on uusi tulokas Suomen linnustossa. Se on myöhäinen muuttaja, joka viihtyy suurten peltoaukeiden matalissa ojapensaissa. Sen vaimeaa porisevan laulun kuuleminen on lintumiesten yölaulajaretkien kohokohtia.
Digiscoping: Opticron HR 80 ED + Canon PS A710, 10.6.2007

Bongareiden kesän huippuhetki: tundrakurppelo (
Limnodromus scolopaceus) Outokummun Vuonoksessa.
Digiscoping: Swarowski kaukoputki + Canon PS A710, 7.7.2007

Valkeasuon nuoria luppojoutsenia auringonnousun hetkellä.
Digiscoping: Kamakura SP 83ED + Canon PS A710, 3.6.2007

Viirupöllö lennähti keskellä päivää metsätien poikki ja jäi ihmettelemään kuvaajan touhuja.
Canon EOS 350D + Sigma 70-300 APO DG, 6.6.2007

Elämä odottaa - rohkeasti vaikka tietä pitkin.
Canon PS A710, 10.6.2007

Ikkuna on koitunut kulorastaan poikasen kohtaloksi.
Canon PS A710, 2.7.2007

Talitiainen osaa olla luova pesäpaikan valinnassaan: pesä irronneen postilaatikon jalkaputkessa.
Canon PS A710, 20.6.2007
2 kommenttia:
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The succeeding days saw the Talbots restored to peace and ease. http://startso11.info/cybertech.html. Oh, mamma, replied Caroline, you may be sure I shall always take care not to http://storyah44.info/przyczepy+camping++urzywane.html betray my visitors into an engagement which they may have cause to regret, particularly if they are strangers whose time is limited.. It is only the action of displacement if what is indifferent obtains recognition in the dream content instead of those impressions which are really http://startso11.info/19830323.html the stimulus, or instead of the things of real interest.. It is, we believe, where young gentlemen are to be crammed for college, that the process of hardening heart and skin together http://startso11.info/dyslekcja.html goes on most vigorously.. When these are visited by their refined kinsfolk, we of the woods catch glimpses of the gay world, http://storyah44.info/pogoda+Wisznice.html or think we do.. He found his landmarks, and pointed out to us where the Passaic and the Hackensack flowed, http://startso11.info/Strauss.html invisible to us, hidden behind great ridges that in our sight were but combings of the green waves upon which we looked down.. The legs in the dream http://startso11.info/meble+z+niemiec.html recall an impression of the previous evening.. I found Simon Wheeler dozing comfortably by the barroom stove of the dilapidated tavern in the decayed mining camp of Angel's, and I noticed that he was fat and bald-headed, http://startso11.info/www.juwenaliakrakow.pl.html and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance.. Back you go, sir--straight back; an' http://startso11.info/www.miasto+plusa.pl.html don't you come home 'thout that donkey, or you'll rue it, sure as my name is Hannah Brown.. Contradiction of the thesis that all dreams are the fulfillments of wishes is raised http://wowyesaf.info/rusztowania+ramowe.html by my patients with perfect regularity.. With his remembrance of the grim deacon he had doubts as to http://startso11.info/www.prewbud.pl.html the melodiousness of his utterance.. At the first only eleven men were present; at the next, by force of three circulars, twenty-seven; at the third, thanks to two days' canvassing by http://startso11.info/Miejski+o%C5%9Brodek+rekreacji-ta%C5%84ce..html Auchmuty and myself, begging men to come, we had sixty.. Followed the sea, he replied to the question put by one http://startso11.info/wanny+z+hydromasa%C5%BCem.html of us.. If the dream continues and settles activities of the day and even brings to light valuable inspirations, we http://startso11.info/poca%C5%82unek+z+j%C4%99zyczkiem.html have only to subtract from it the dream disguise as a feat of dream-work and a mark of assistance from obscure forces in the depth of the mind ( cf.. But the Matterhorn episode was simple http://startso11.info/miennicy.html enough.. The first person in the dream-thoughts behind the ego was my friend who had been so http://startso11.info/energetyka+rozproszona.html scandalously treated.. It would not do, either, to be seen staring at her if she should happen to turn her head, so http://startso11.info/pks.august%C3%B3w.html he veered off, intending to regain the road.. I'm sure she told me they had only http://storyah44.info/przyczepki+starogard+gdanski.html two--a boy and a girl.. Thus we see that the transference http://startso11.info/Marek+Grechuta.html of the foreconscious excitement to the motility takes place according to the same processes, and that the connection of the foreconscious presentations with words readily manifest the same displacements and mixtures which are ascribed to inattention.. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Alexander Jessup THE LITTLE FRENCHMAN AND HIS WATER LOTS (1839) George Pope Morris THE ANGEL OF THE ODD (1844) Edgar Allan Poe THE SCHOOLMASTER'S PROGRESS (1844) Caroline M. http://startso11.info/wyzsza+szkola+oficerska+wroclaw.html..
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