Helmikuun pakkasviikon lintuja II
Birds and snow tracks during the cold weeks in February
Birds and snow tracks during the cold weeks in February
Töyhtötiainen on metsän ehdoton symppis!
Crested Tit's "punkstyle" is just great!
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
Crested Tit's "punkstyle" is just great!
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
Crested Tit and Great Tit eating fat.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
Käpytikka viihtyy puhelintolpissa - ravintona tällä hetkellä kuusenkävyt. Tikka lämmittelee jalkojaan ennen kävyn avaamista.
Typical workshop of Common Woodpecker in a hole of telephone line column.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
There is already some srping light in the woods.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
Pohjantikan kuorima kuusi, jonka juurella ilveksen ja metsäjäniksen jäljet. Puun tyviosan on kuorinut mahdollisesti palokärki.
A Spruce peeled by Three-toed Woodpecker. Under the tree there are the trakcs of Eurasian Lynx and Mountain Hares.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
A Spruce peeled by Three-toed Woodpecker. Under the tree there are the trakcs of Eurasian Lynx and Mountain Hares.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
Feeding marks of Three-toed Woodpecker on dead Spruce stems.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
My first photo of Eurasian Treecreeper.
Canon EOS 350D, 5.2.2006
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